When the Towers Fell–A Prayer for 9/11

  God over all, when the towers fell it seemed our world changed. We remember where we were when we first heard, when we saw the fearsome sight, when what we might have thought unassailable crumbled to dust. The shock and awe of those scenes haunt us still. Yet, as we draw near to you …

“The Least of These” Includes Ahmaud Arbery

  To be profiled, targeted, accosted, and shot dead is to be among “the least,” unseen, unheard, misunderstood, and denied help. It is to be among people Jesus sees, hears, understands, and treats as Family. To diminish or dismiss, to deny or deflect, to excuse or “explain” the horror of this is to align with …

Fight Pandemic with Pandemic

As we all know, the word “pandemic” has become synonymous with terms like “plague, scourge, and disease” and therefore conjures up a sense of dire threat.  But “pandemic” is actually an adjective that qualifies something else as “widespread, prevalent, pervasive, universal, global.”  “Pan” means “all,” and “Demos,” means “people.”  When something is pandemic it extends …

For the Fourth Sunday in Lent

Loving Lord, Giver of every good and perfect gift, Sender of Light and Life into the world, ultimately giving Your own Self as the way, the truth and the life, on this fourth Sunday in Lent, we dare to call out the lies circulating in a world under viral threat and to declare the truth …

Jesus Comes for Us and for All

The Lord our God loves, chooses, and works with/through a people to right the wrong of their lives and world, whatever, however, whenever But, the Lord does so, not just for them, but for all, as many as will … The Lord loves his own, so that he may love all. The Lord comes to …